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Hey there, thanks for stopping by!

My name is Emily, founder and head trainer at The Homegrown Dog

dog trainer

My entire life has revolved around all animals from the time I was old enough to talk, but my two true loves have always been horses and dogs. In 6th grade I moved to a new state, in a new neighborhood and I used my love for animals to meet people, pets (and make some pocket money too!) I had my mom help me make flyers for our entire neighborhood, probably well over 60 houses, offering dog walking and pet sitting services. Because of this, we as a family ended up meeting some incredible neighbors who turned into friends, and I had great clients that lasted me through high school, until I moved for college!

My horseback riding career began around age 6 and I was also able to ride competitively through my elementary - high school years. I am lucky enough to still be riding and pursuing that passion to this day. There are an incredible amount of lessons to be learned on the back of a horse, a lot of which apply very similarly to dog training.
After high school I went to college and graduated from Radford University in 2018 with a Bachelor's Degree in Communications and a concentration in Advertising.

Now, let's talk about my why.
It's the year 2020 and I brought my very first puppy home expecting some work, but lots of puppy love!
Instead...I was met with shark teeth, a voice box that could match Mariah Carey and non stop tornado energy.
Cue my puppy blues and some intense feelings of "what the heck did I do"...
Sophie was the cutest bundle of crazy you ever laid eyes on but, like so many others, I was overwhelmed with the chaos I brought into my home. This very quickly launched me into the big, WIDE world of dog training. 
I spent the next year and a half learning, researching and focusing heavily on raising the most balanced dog I could and in turn, fell in love with dog training.

This newfound passion, and some encouragement from loved ones, lead me to quit my desk job and apprentice under 2 incredible mentors where I was able to gain experience and learn how to train many different dogs in a board and train setting. I have also furthered my education with webinars, seminars and workshops. Continuing education is a priority for me; a dog trainer can never have enough tools in their toolbox and l will never be done learning!

I truly believe in giving owners the guidance and help I struggled to find when I first got Sophie. 
I can't wait to get started with you and your

dog trainer and dog
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Closeup of a Black Dog


Dog training isn't one size fits all...

Our relationship-based training approach is designed to give you and your dog the tools you BOTH need to succeed.

When it comes to tools, what works for one dog, may not work for another. Every dog is different! Whether it be an E-collar, prong collar, slip leash etc.; we will find the right fit for you and your dog!

However the one tool that is a constant for every dog that comes to us, is a crate. 

Crate training is an INVALUABLE skill we believe every dog should learn!

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